


A Curriculum Leading to the Degree of Doctor of Medicine

1st Semester
Course Code Descriptive Title
Ana Gross Anatomy and Developmental Anatomy
Histo Histology
Physio Physiology
Biochem Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Nutrition
PFCM 1 Preventive Family and Community Medicine 1
Research 1 Basic Health Research 1
FOM Foundations of Medicine
2nd Semester
Course Code Descriptive Title
Ana Gross Anatomy and Developmental Anatomy
Histo Histology
Physio Physiology
Biochem Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Nutrition
Neuroana Neuroanatomy
PFCM 1 Preventive Family and Community Medicine 1
Research 1 Basic Health Research 1
FOM Foundations of Medicine
1st Semester
Course Code Descriptive Title
Med 1 Introduction to Clinical Medicine
Gen Path General Pathology
Pharma Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Micro Microbiology
Psychia 1 Psychiatry 1
Legal Med Legal and Forensic Medicine
PFCM 2 Preventive Family and Community Medicine 2
Research 2 Applied Health Research 1
2nd Semester
Course Code Descriptive Title
Med 1 Introduction to Clinical Medicine
Gen Path General Pathology
Pharma Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Para Parasitology
Surg 1 Surgery 1
Med Juris Medical Jurisprudence
PFCM 2 Preventive Family and Community Medicine 2
Research 2 Applied Health Research 1
1st Semester
Course Code Descriptive Title
Med 2 Internal Medicine
Pedia Pediatrics
Surg 2 Surgery 2
OB-Gyn Obstetrics & Gynecology
PFCM 3 Preventive Family and Community Medicine 3
Neuro Neurology
ENT Otorhinolaryngology
Radio Radiology and Imaging Studies
Research 3 Applied Health Research 2
Clinics Clinics (6 hours per week)
2nd Semester
Course Code Descriptive Title
Med 2 Internal Medicine
Pedia Pediatrics
Surg 2 Surgery 2
OB-Gyn Obstetrics & Gynecology
PFCM 3 Preventive Family and Community Medicine 3
PMR Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Psychia 2 Psychiatry 2
Optha Opthalmology
Ortho Orthopedics
Research 3 Applied Health Research 2
Clinics Clinics (6 hours per week)
Clinical Clerkship
52 Weeks of Clinical Rotation













The MD program is consistent with the vision and mission of the institution. It adopts a subject based curriculum aligned with the outcomes mandated by CHED. It is delivered through a hybrid type of teaching methodology. The curriculum is an integration of student-centered and educator-guided learning approach set in a collaborative learning environment. Students and teachers work together in active and experiential learning to enhance intellectual link between classroom and patient care.  Active learning strategy becomes the core of the curricular delivery.

Each student also has a personal mentor who serves many roles. The mentors provide a truly holistic student-centered support that focuses on personal and professional development. The students are accompanied in their journey from a becoming a learner to a healer.

The curriculum is structured in four levels.  After graduation, the graduates take a one-year internship in accredited teaching hospitals prior to taking the licensure exam.

Year level 1 and 2 comprise the foundation of the educational program which presents basic medical science information in a clinically and community relevant context. In addition to basic medical sciences, there are clinical science subjects added in Year level 2. Year level 3 continues with more clinical specialty courses in tandem with pre clerkship program where students participate in supervised patient care while rotating through various medical specialties. Year level 4 allows our clinical clerks in the clinical clerkship program to go on full time clinical activities during their rotation to different departments. Students graduate at the end of 4th year.  In this set up, students and teachers work together and collaborate with each other.

Program Goal

The MD program aims to produce medical graduates from diverse backgrounds who epitomize the roles of a 5 star physician which are health care provider, leader/manager, researcher, teacher and social mobilizer.

Program Objectives

Program Outcomes

Demonstrate clinical competence

Communicate effectively

Lead and manage health care teams

Engage in research activities

Collaborate within interprofessional teams

Utilize systems-based approach to healthcare

Engage in continuing personal and professional development

Adhere to ethical, professional and legal standards.

Demonstrate nationalism, internationalism and dedication to service

Practice the principles of social accountability

Program Diagram